

By the Sweat of our Brow

Here (F I N A L L Y) is the video/slideshow of Dorothy and Isaac’s wedding. Cherie and I have been quite scarred by the constructing of it; we’ve had some traumatic experiences. But I think we both agree that it is quite worth it. Enjoy. :)
P.S. You can also watch this movie on Cherie's blog.
P.P.S You might want to pause my playlist before starting it. :)



Go take a long walk, and don't take your ipod or anything, just walk and think and sing.
Go write a poem.
Go cut some flowers and brighten your room.
Go play tag OUTSIDE in the dandelions.
Go take amazing pictures of the flowers, bees and grass and sky.
Go take a book, lay in your yard or in a field and READ for an hour.
Go take a hose and make puddles on the ground, then get some fun rubber boots and start jumping!
Go smell a flower for a whole minute.
Go write a list of the things you're thankful for.
Go and make someone else's day extra special.
Make today a day that you will never ever forget.
Have an absolutely indescribable day.

- Me