but since it was so late, and all those "this man had this son, and they lived for this long, and then his grandchildren were him and him and him . . .", so I sort of was paging through the Bible.
(i know, I shouldn't really do that.)
And I saw this:
"And it shall pass at that time that I will searchJerusalem with lamps,
And punish the men who are settled in complacency,
Who say in their hearts,
'The Lord will not do good, Nor will He do evil.' "
- Zephaniah 1:12
Complacency: 1: Self-satisfaction especially when accompanied by actual dangers or deficiencies.
That's me.
I am the one 'settled in complacency', saying exactly that.
I can talk big and act big, but am I really on Fire for my Savior?
do I really Try to honor Him, in All that I do? in All that I say? in All that I think?
do I truly Trust Him? with All that I am, have, and enjoy?
(and no, I do not normally read in Zephaniah. I barely knew it was a book in the Bible.)
- C.Celise.B.